Registration Information
Welcome to The Putney Summer Arts Programs! Below you will find a list of all of the steps that need to be addressed for enrollment. Each step is outlined in this page. Please be sure to read all of these steps carefully and complete each one to ensure that enrollment is complete. Due dates are listed below. If you have questions, please email us at:
Steps to complete:
- Contract
- Handbook & Orientation Guide
- Dorm & Res Life Form For Boarding or Day Student Form
- Supportive Student Information Form
- Travel Form
- Health Forms
- Student Expense Account
- Tuition Payment
- Accepted Student Informational Zoom
1. The Contract, Handbook and Orientation Guide
In the near future, students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) will be receiving individual emails from DocuSign to review and electronically sign the Enrollment Contract. Once all parties have electronically signed the document, a copy will be available for your records.
ALL students and parents/guardians will need to review the documents listed below in connection to signing the Enrollment Contract.
2. Residential Living Forms
ALL students and parents/guardians will need fill out the applicable forms together after the Handbook and Orientation Guide have been reviewed. Due no later than May 1 (earlier appreciated.)
- Dorm & Res Life Form (to be completed by ALL BOARDING students with the support of their parents guardians.) We have male, female and all gender spaces available to choose from. Male and Female dormitories are designed to house students who identify with the denoted gender. All gender dorms are designed to house the full spectrum of gender identities, including cisgender students. Preference is given to students who need to be in the spaces they have selected based on a dorm form filled out before arrival. We encourage students and parents to have a conversation about the dorm selections available.
- Day Student Form (to be completed by ALL DAY students with the support of their parents/guardians.)
- Supportive Student Information (this is an optional form for parents/guardians to complete.) This will provide us with any additional information that may help us support the student while they are here. Examples: Auditory sensitivity, difficulties waking up, insomnia, other concerns, etc.
3. Travel Form
- Travel Form (to be completed by ALL parents/guardians as soon as the students plans are solidified.) This will provide us with all of the information about the students travel plans for arrival and departure day. Due no later than May 1 (earlier appreciated.)
4. Health Forms
All of the health forms MUST be submitted for ALL students, new and returning, by May 15 (earlier appreciated.) ALL students must have a physical within the past 12 months. We also ask that the student attend to dental care, eye exams, and meet with prescribers while before they arrive at Putney. We do have local providers for these needs but only in urgent cases.
All health forms are to be completed by students, their parents/guardians, and the students’ physician. They will need to be filled out, signed, and emailed to:
- Parent/Guardian Health Forms (to be filled out by ALL parents/guardians and students)
- The Concussion Action Plan (to be read by ALL parents/guardians and students)
- Healthcare Provider Forms (to be filled out by the students physician)
5. Student Expense Account
- Credit Card Authorization Form (to be completed by ALL parents/guardians.) Once completed it should be emailed to Melissa Bliznak in the Business Office. Due no later than May 1. The credit card will be charged by the end of September for all expenses incurred. Why do we require a credit card?
- Shipping fees for some artwork for some students who need to use public transportation
- Shipping fees required for forgotten personal items
- Unreturned/lost library books
- Campus based damage charges (example: graffiti)
- Students will have the opportunity to purchase snacks, ice cream, drinks, t-shirts/sweatshirts, toiletries, and art supplies for personal use at The Putney School Store this summer. In order to make purchases at the store, each student requires an account with an established spending limit and credit card on file. This will not be monitored by The Putney School Store staff and must be discussed between you and the student to agree spending limits and appropriate purchases. A suggested amount would be $50/week. Students should monitor their account each time they make a purchase at the store based on your family’s plan.
Students do not need cash while on campus and we discourage them from having large amounts of cash at our programs. However, the school store does accept cash if this is a preferable method for store purchases. We also recommend that students bring some spending money and/or a credit/debit card for use during the Trip to Town on the final weekend of the program (3-Week Session Only.) Your student’s cash will not be monitored by The Putney School Summer Arts staff and must be discussed between you and the student to agree spending limits and appropriate purchases.
6. Tuition Payment
Shortly after the student has received an email of acceptance (with the workshop(s) placement details,) parents/guardians will receive an invoice from our Business Office. The $500 deposit will be applied towards the tuition balance, and will hold a spot for the students workshop(s.) Deposits are non-refundable after March 1. Before May 1, tuition balance is due within 10 business days of receiving an invoice, unless a family is applying for Financial Aid. After May 1, tuition balance is due within 5 business days of receiving an invoice. Any balance remaining on tuition must be paid before the start of the program. There are no refunds for choosing to withdraw from the program after May 15.
If you have any questions regarding your balance or payments, please contact Melissa Bliznak: in The Putney School Business Office:(802) 387-6270.
Shortly after acceptance, if you indicated on the application that your family wishes to apply for financial aid, we will be sending a link for families to submit a financial aid application through the Clarity app. All Financial Aid applications are due by March 15. Award decisions will be communicated to families after April 1. Once this is accepted, you will receive an invoice from our business office that reflects the award amount. Please hold off on paying tuition until then. If you have questions about financial aid please contact Dan Folgar, the
7. Accepted Student Informational Zoom
The Putney Summer Programs will host an information Zoom in JUNE. We will send accepted families an invitation a few weeks prior. We will record the session and share the link with all families that have been accepted, even if they are unable to attend the Zoom.