Our Field House is home to an open court, weight room, yoga room, and more. It was also the first net-zero LEED Platinum-certified school building in the country. Accessible 365 days a year, it’s a place for students to play sports, exercise, wax their skis, repair bikes, or simply sit and talk.

Putney students revel in the joy of being active.
Since its founding, physical activity and outdoor exercise have been integral to The Putney School experience. Indeed, “the hard stretching of oneself” was one of the fundamental principles of founder Carmelita Hinton, and students continue to find that the more physically active they are, the more their energy for study and work increases.
Field House Amenities
An open court for basketball, volleyball, and other court sports.
A weight-training room and yoga/fitness room that can also be used for aerobics, stretching, and sports conditioning.
A ski waxing room with access to Putney’s groomed trails. This space is used for bike storage and repair in the off season.
Separate locker rooms and showers for students and faculty.
Office space for Putney’s athletic director and staff.
A community space where students can gather for informal meetings, conversation, and socializing.
Thoughtfully designed with sustainability in mind, the Field House represents the best of Putney values.
Our Field House’s Green Features
Built in 2008, our net-zero Field House produces more energy than it consumes, while giving our students much needed space for exercise and socializing. It was designed as a LEED Platinum building, the highest designation achievable in energy conservation. It serves as a living laboratory for environmental sustainability through its use of solar panels, photovoltaics, hyper-insulation, composting toilets, and an air-source heat pump.