Abelardo Almazán-Vázquez

Spanish Teacher and Language Department Chair

Open Soccer Head Coach
Latin Dance Evening Instructor
Noyes Dorm Faculty

B.A. Universidad Internacional UNINTER
M.A. Cleveland State University

Email: aalmazan-vazquez@putneyschool.org
Departments: Athletic Department, Department Heads, Faculty, World Languages

Putney Perspective: Over the years, I’ve enjoyed teaching intermediate and advanced Spanish classes, coaching an all-gender soccer team, and sharing my expertise in Latin dance as an evening activity. My accomplishments at Putney and beyond would not have been possible without an amazing group of present, past, and future students and faculty that make The Putney School a truly amazing place to grow and thrive both personally and professionally.

Background: I hold a Licenciatura in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language from Universidad Internacional UNINTER in Morelos, México and a Master’s in Latin American Studies from Cleveland State University. As an immigrant with 20 years of experience, I proudly represent the lively city of Cuernavaca, México.

Interests and Passions: My unique contributions, learnings, and unlearnings at the Putney School have invited me to present at renowned World Languages conferences, including the distinguished Massachusetts Foreign Language Association 2018’s “Best Workshop of State Conference.” I am a co-founder of the influential Minnesota Council on Teaching Languages and Cultures 2020 “BIPOC/Immigrant World Language Educators strand” and a sought-after featured speaker at The Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages 2021 in NYC.

My classroom insights have had a lasting impact, and my testimonies and experiences led me to serve as the keynote speaker at the Greater Washington DC Association of Teachers of Foreign Language 2021 Spring Conference, the 2023 Vermont Foreign Language Association Spring Conference, and the Keynote Speaker for the Western Massachusetts Seal of Biliteracy Awards 2023 Ceremony at UMass Amherst.

Karla Baldwin

Co-Academic Dean

B.A. Smith College

Phone: 802-387-7325
Email: KBaldwin@putneyschool.org
Departments: Academic Office, Administration, College Counseling

Putney is a place deeply connected to the land and to making human connections. It is a place for young people to nurture their spirits as well as their minds. It has been a privilege to be surrounded by these seasonal forces of nature and human exploration; shifting and growing together.


Jessica Batten

Director of Dance

Performing Arts Coordinator
JR Dorm Faculty

B.F.A. SUNY Purchase Conservatory of Dance

Phone: 802-387-7326
Email: jbatten@putneyschool.org
Departments: Art Department, Faculty

Allison Baum

College Counselor

Gray House Dorm Faculty

Phone: 802-387-6241
Email: abaum@putneyschool.org
Departments: College Counseling

Allison Baum, College Counselor, joined the Putney School in 2012. Her professional experience includes coaching rowing, managing a multi-year project for the U.S. Geological Survey, and many years as an environmental educator throughout the U.S. Allison holds a B.S. in biology from University of California, Davis, a M.S. in biodiversity informatics from University of Washington and a professional certificate in college counseling. When not in the office, she enjoys hiking, cooking, yoga and spending time with her husband and four children.

Peter Blair

Plant Staff

B.A. Marlboro College
M.A. Marlboro College

Phone: 802-387-6231
Email: pblair@putneyschool.org
Departments: Plant Staff

I graduated from Marlboro College with a Master’s degree in philosophy in 2009. I greatly enjoy working with material objects, attending to the nuts and bolts (literally) of the school, and helping whenever I can. For me, I consider every day Work Day.

The community at The Putney School feels like a large, extended family, with all the ups and downs, joys and sorrows that one would find in any large family.

Melissa Bliznak

Enrollment Management Coordinator

Phone: 802-387-6270
Email: mbliznak@putneyschool.org
Departments: Business Office

Mary Bonneau

Finance Associate

Phone: 802-387-7394
Email: mbonneau@putneyschool.org
Departments: Business Office

Tom Bosworth

English Teacher

Old Girls Dorm Faculty

B.A. Dartmouth College

Phone: 802-387-6260
Email: tbosworth@putneyschool.org
Departments: English Department, Faculty

One of my teachers described writing as “the act of making yourself sensitive to the world.” I’m so grateful to be in a community that values this kind of deep practice, from the classroom to the cow pasture.

Lynn Brennan

Math Teacher, Cross Country Coach

Huseby Dorm Faculty

B.S. State University of NY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
M.S. University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Phone: 802-387-6247
Email: lbrennan@putneyschool.org
Departments: Athletic Department, Faculty, Math Department

I came to Putney as a teaching intern out of grad school for civil engineering.  Once I settled in here I fell in love with the school and the profession. Helping a student get past a math-phobia or to gain new appreciation for math is the BEST!

I haven’t taught anywhere other than Putney and I’m not sure I ever could. The way we approach teaching math is unique and challenging and I feel strongly that it is truly beneficial to the students.

I have a BS in Forest Engineering from SUNY ESF and an MS in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Water Resources Engineering and a certification in Fish Passage Engineering from UMass Amherst.

Jules Bruno

Media Studies Teacher

B.A. Media and Society, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Phone: 802-387-6260
Email: jbruno@putneyschool.org
Departments: English Department, Faculty

As a Media Studies Teacher in the English Department, I love to engage with the digital world and how it impacts modern life. I graduated from Hobart and William Smith Colleges with a B.A. in Media and Society, where I studied branding, advertising, filmmaking, film studies, game studies, animation, and studio arts. At The Putney School, I have taught watercolors in the Evening Arts program, coached recreational volleyball, and worked in the Putney Summer Arts program office.

Kevin Champney

Director of Technology & Library Services and Co-Academic Dean

History and Humanities Writing
Research Teacher

B.A. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
M.L.I.S. University of South Carolina

Phone: 802-387-7324
Fax: 802-387-2305
Email: kchampney@putneyschool.org
Departments: Academic Office, Administration, Faculty, History, Library Department, Technology Department

Putney Perspective: I’ve been at The Putney School since 2009 leading the Library and Technology programs, teaching the junior year Writing and Research class and sophomore world history, coordinating the ninth-grade seminar, and overseeing the Pond Hockey afternoon activity. I am deeply dedicated to helping students learn how to understand history, pursue a research question, and create a well constructed argument.

Background: I was born and raised in Eastern Massachusetts and spent my college years in the Pioneer Valley around Amherst. After working as a technical writer for an electronics company, I spent twelve years in Maine, first working as a National Endowment for the Humanities fellow for the Maine Folklife Center doing audio preservation, folklore and oral history work, and then as a Librarian and Technology Director at John Bapst Memorial High School in Bangor. It was while at John Bapst, teaching economics and digital art in a very traditional environment, that I found myself drawn towards project based learning and progressive teaching methods. This natural inclination led me to The Putney School .

Interests and Passions: Outside of work, I hike, garden, play music on a daily basis and generally take advantage of the beautiful Southern Vermont landscape with my faithful English Setter, Aesop.

Explore More 

Putney Selected to Test New AI Tool Developed by Boston College Researchers

Carlotta Cuerdon

Assistant Director of Development

B.A. Dartmouth College
M.Ed. Antioch University New England

Phone: 802-387-6248
Email: ccuerdon@putneyschool.org
Departments: Alumni & Development

Matt Dall

Tutor, Center for Teaching and Learning

Mountain Biking Instructor

B.A. Kenyon College
Ed.M. Antioch New England Graduate School

Phone: 802-387-6223
Email: mdall@putneyschool.org
Departments: Athletic Department, Center for Teaching & Learning

Juliane Danielski

French Teacher

White Cottage Dorm Liaison

B.A. Middlebury College
D.E.S.S. Université de la Sorbonne

Phone: 802-451-6806
802-387-2305 (fax)
Email: jdanielski-chatal@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, World Languages

John Davey

Assistant Facilities Manager

Phone: 802-387-6231
Email: jdavey@putneyschool.org
Departments: Plant Staff

Kristin Dawley

History Teacher, Long Fall Coordinator, and Rowing Coach

Keep Dorm Liaison

B.A. Mount Holyoke College
M.A. Michigan State University

Phone: 802-387-6226
802-387-2305 (fax)
Email: kdawley@putneyschool.org
Departments: Athletic Department, Faculty, History

I loved working with students at Michigan State, a massive university where I taught lecture classes with 100 kids, but I wanted more time to work more closely with students, so I thought about working at a boarding school. That’s when I found Putney – it had rowing and knitting and cows and I thought I’d found heaven. I’m continually surprised by the incredibly cool work I get to do with students. It’s so amazingly awesome to teach and create curriculum and work with students in surprising and super interesting ways.

David De La Rocha

English Teacher, Humans in the Natural World Teacher, Basketball Coach, New Boys Dorm Faculty

Phone: 802-387-6260
Email: ddelarocha@putneyschool.org
Departments: English Department, Faculty

Marie Derouault

ESOL, French, and Spanish Teacher

Licence d'Anglais, Bordeaux University, France
Maitrise d'Anglais, Bordeaux University, France

Phone: 802-387-6233
Email: mderouault@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, International & ESOL, World Languages

I’m constantly impressed by how talented The Putney School students and faculty are. It makes it fun and inspiring to come to work everyday. Putney is also a generous community: we support students and each other in good times and bad. 

I have had a lifelong love of languages and world cultures. I grew up in France, then  lived in the UK for 4 years while completing my B.A. and Master’s degrees. In my mid-twenties, I moved to the US, traveled to over 20 countries for a total of 18 months, and eventually relocated to Vermont. I continue to travel as much as possible.

Mary Doherty

Director of Center for Teaching and Learning

A.L.B. Harvard University
M.Ed. Harvard University Graduate School of Education

Phone: 802-387-6223
Email: mdoherty@putneyschool.org
Departments: Center for Teaching & Learning

I was attracted to the Putney School because I wanted to work in an educational community where differences are respected, embraced, and seen as resources to be used, not obstacles to overcome. 

At The Putney School, we embrace and celebrate diversity, including neurodiversity – the idea that there is great variation in how we learn and process information. Here we know there is no average learner, there is no normal. 

I have worked with students who learn differently for almost thirty years. The brain is a highly dynamic organ and I am fascinated by the neuroscience of learning. Adolescence is a critical stage of brain development. I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to work with Putney students to help them understand how to shape their brains during this incredible period of neuroplasticity.

Michael Doran

Facilities Manager

B.S. Johnson State College

Phone: 802-387-6231
Email: mdoran@putneyschool.org
Departments: Plant Staff

After many years working in environmental consulting, mountain resort planning and permitting, and property management, it was time to put life behind a desk aside and take on a new challenge. The you-never-know-what-the-day-will-bring nature of maintaining The Putney School’s buildings and grounds has proved to be a rewarding change and a pan of the beautiful vistas all around campus is sufficient to alleviate the stress from most any day.

Sarah Doran

Assistant Director of Summer Programs

B.A. Johnson State College

Phone: 802-387-6335
Email: sdoran@putneyschool.org
Departments: Summer Programs

Sarah’s career working in youth programming in Vermont started in 2003 at Green Mountain Peer Projects and has continued through more recent work in after-school and summer programming at The Grammar School and Windham Northeast Supervisory Union. She finds working with youth who have a chance to immerse themselves in passions is incredibly rewarding and believes that The Putney Summer Programs is the perfect setting for this to take place.

Sarah lives in Putney, Vt. with her amazing husband and children. Sarah has two crazy dogs, and two entertaining Nigerian goats. She enjoys spending time with her family, seeing live music, skiing, and camping. Sarah has recently connected with her interest in photography.

Todd Dowling

Admission Counselor

Email: tdowling@putneyschool.org
Departments: Admission Office

Putney Perspective: My days are full of surprises. I enjoy getting to know the natural world here — especially when mushrooms are abundant, birds are active, and foxes are running around the fields.

Background: As a teacher, I began as an environmental/outdoor/ecology educator working along the coast of Maine for nearly five years. I entered a more traditional class as a math and science faculty at North Country School. After studying educational leadership with the Klingenstein Center (Teachers College Columbia University), I arrived at Putney, eager to learn and teach alongside curious students and knowledgeable faculty.

Interests: I’m likely to be found riding a bike, running a trail or skiing in the backcountry. I’m chipping away at a life goal to ride my bike 50 miles in all 50 states and hike all 115 peaks above 4,000 ft in the northeast.

Mallory Elliott


B.S. Emerson College

Phone: 802-387-7321
Email: melliott@putneyschool.org
Departments: Academic Office, Registrar Office

Tim Ellis

Theater Tech Director

Evening Woodworking Teacher

Phone: 802-387-6063
Email: tellis@putneyschool.org
Departments: Art Department, Plant Staff

Carolyn Fairchild

Tutor, Center for Teaching and Learning

B.A. Keene State College

Email: cfairchild@putneyschool.org
Departments: Center for Teaching & Learning

After helping roommates, friends and neighbors with their math homework, I realized that I needed to become a math teacher.

I have a background in horse training and Centered Riding, I am bit of a horse whisperer… and a kid whisperer, too. My students say, “it just makes sense when you explain it.”

Whatever it is, I don’t scare my students, I make them laugh and they learn without fear of judgement.

I graduated from Putney School, and when I was ready to teach, I knew I didn’t want to teach anywhere else. Putney’s fundamental beliefs are my beliefs. I think that the Putney experience works because I see incredibly fine young men and women graduating off the hill, year after year.

Andrew Ferry

Tutor, Center for Teaching and Learning, Girls Soccer Coach

B.A. University of Pennsylvania

Phone: 802-387-6223
Email: aferry@putneyschool.org
Departments: Center for Teaching & Learning

The strong sense of community is what brought me to Putney, and the opportunity to work with such interesting students, and such a dedicated and competent team of faculty and staff is what keeps me here.

Putney embraces and celebrates students’ varied interests and diversity of learning styles, which I really appreciate.

I continue to be surprised by the beauty of this campus. As the seasons change each year I am inspired by this wonderful and natural setting. I am also continually inspired by the creativity of the students.

I grew up in Philadelphia and went to college at the University of Pennsylvania where I played soccer and got a B.A. in Environmental Studies in 2009. After college, I lived in Wyoming and worked as a tutor and soccer coach for some time before moving to Vermont in 2013.

I love spending time with family and friends, playing soccer, snowboarding, gardening, and finding other reasons to be outside. I live with my lovely wife and wonderful daughter in Westminster West.

Hallie Flower

Admission Counselor

Phone: 802-387-6203
Email: hflower@putneyschool.org
Departments: Admission Office

Daniel Folgar

Director of Summer Arts

Evening Arts Animation and Digital Design Teacher

B.A. University of Central Florida
M.F.A. Miami International School of Art & Design

Phone: 802-387-7335
Email: dfolgar@putneyschool.org
Departments: Administration, Art Department, Summer Programs

Dan Foth

Garden Manager

Email: dfoth@putneyschool.org
Departments: Farm Staff

Alison Frye

Alumni Relations Manager

White Cottage Dorm Faculty

B.A. Kalamazoo College
J.D. University of Minnesota

Phone: 802-387-6273
802-387-6277 (fax)
Email: afrye@putneyschool.org
Departments: Alumni & Development

I knew as soon as I discovered Putney that I wanted to work here: it’s the natural beauty of the place, the authenticity of the people, the combination of idealism and dirty fingernails of its educational vision. I stay because I continue to feel connected to all of those things. From the food to the reflective and educational conversations during our opening meetings every year, to the purposeful nature of our work with the students, Putney is exceptionally REAL.

This is a good life.

I’m a Michigander who has happily relocated to the welcoming hills of southern Vermont. I am most happy when I’m outdoors, whether moving through the world on a bike, on a surfboard, on skis, or in the water, thwacking a tennis or softball, walking with my dog, or simply reading and listening to the birds. The Putney students and alumni give me many things to love about my work, and because they are always changing and growing and asking good questions, they keep that work interesting and engaging, for which I’m very grateful.

Troy Gangle

Farm Assistant

Email: tgangle@putneyschool.org
Departments: Farm Staff

Daniel Garcia-Galili

Math Teacher

Old Boys Dorm Liaison

B.S. Marlboro College
M.A. Marlboro College

Phone: 802-387-6247
Email: dgarcia-galili@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, Math Department, Science Department

I’ve spent my life looking for community and trying to build it; it brought me here as a student and it keeps me here as a teacher.

Everyone here, students and adults alike, wants you to succeed. Whether you’re a kid or a teacher, everyone here is rooting for you.

Putney is different from the other schools where I’ve worked because at the highest level (administration, board) the school believes that the kids mean well, want to learn, and if we can mostly get out of their way and just offer some gentle guidance, they’ll do good things. Teachers often think that elsewhere, but it’s great to see it as a driving force in the institution.

I grew up in New Jersey and Israel. In my sophomore year of high school I came to Putney as a boarding student. After graduating, I worked at Mount Snow, attended Marlboro College where I worked for their Outdoor Program and completed a degree in physics with a focus on astronomy and computational methods. From there I continued to work in outdoor education for the better part of a decade before coming full circle. My old advisor from Putney helped me get a taste of classroom instruction, and after deciding that it was a good fit I completed my MA in Marlboro College’s Teaching for Social Justice program. My wife and I moved onto campus in the fall of 2015, and we now live in the same dorm as I did when I first arrived here as a 16-year-old student.


Alexis Gonzalez

Food Service Director

Email: agonzalez@putneyschool.org
Departments: Dining Services

Paige Gould


Email: pgould@putneyschool.org
Departments: Dining Services

Tarah Greenidge

Dean of Students

Phone: 802-387-6242
Email: tgreenidge@putneyschool.org
Departments: Administration, Dean of Students Office

A'ja Hall

Development Associate

Phone: 802-387-6272
Email: ahall@putneyschool.org
Departments: Alumni & Development

I love learning about people and hearing their truths. I enjoy getting people excited and educating them about new things, especially ideas that I am passionate about. I am an artist at heart, however my passion flows as I begin my journey here at The Putney School. So few individuals get a chance to experience their life’s purpose and walk the path of their soul journey. I am an exception. I did not search for Putney. Putney found me, presenting itself as an embracing community with a universal awareness of individuals authentically growing into themselves, a home away from home, and a space for all to continue walking their journey. It feels fulfilling to be on this path of uplifting philanthropy in service to The Putney School.

Stephanie Harkins

Chief Finance and Operations Officer

B.A. Saint Michael's College

Phone: 802-387-7302
802-387-6277 (fax)
Email: sharkins@putneyschool.org
Departments: Administration, Business Office

Maren Helmacy

Admission Councelor

B.A. Kenyon College

Phone: 802-387-7313
Email: mhelmacy@putneyschool.org
Departments: Admission Office

I am originally from Baltimore, Maryland. I graduated from Friends School of Baltimore in 2020 before heading to Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. There, I majored in music and minored in English, played on the lacrosse team, and worked for the admission office. I graduated from Kenyon in May 2024, and I am very excited to be at Putney! I have three younger siblings, and I am obsessed with my cat, Tito.


Carol Hodgman

Spanish Teacher

Email: chodgman@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, World Languages

I was born and raised in Honduras, Central America. I graduated from the school of laws and practiced law prior to moving to North Carolina in 2002. I first began working with youth in the USA as an Americorps member working with College Foundation of North Carolina and minority groups to promote access to higher education. I came to live and love Vermont while studying at the School of International Training and graduated with a Masters in Sustainable Development with a concentration in Monitoring and Evaluation. I then returned to North Carolina and worked for almost a decade with youth leadership projects for a social justice organization and then made a career change into university research. After a few years of coordinating and assisting research at UNC Chapel Hill, I decided to go back to my loving roots: working with youth! I am very excited to be part of a very artistic and multi-talented community here at The Putney School.

Libby Holmes

Director International Student Program and ESOL Teacher

New Boys Dorm Liaison

B.A. Miami University
M.A.T. School for International Training

Phone: 802-387-6233
Email: lholmes@putneyschool.org
Departments: Admission Office, Faculty, International & ESOL

Noah Hoskins

Farm Manager

B.A. Oberlin College
M.A. Union Institute and University

Phone: 802-387-6226
Email: nhoskins@putneyschool.org
Departments: Farm Staff

Kim Howard


Email: khoward@putneyschool.org
Departments: Dining Services

Bryce Jewel


Phone: 802-387-6262
Email: bjewel@putneyschool.org
Departments: Plant Staff

Bryan Johansmeyer

Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residential Life

B.A SUNY Stony Brook

Phone: 802-387-6256
Email: bjohansmeyer@putneyschool.org
Departments: Dean of Students Office

I am excited to join the Putney School as the Director of Residential Life. I am drawn to a place where learning for the sake of learning is central to the community. Progressive education is the core of my belief that we can make our communities and the world better.

I came to Putney after more than a decade in boarding schools. I have held many roles including admissions, coaching lacrosse, dorm parent, and most recently Dean of Students at the North Country School in Lake Placid NY. I am here with my wife, son, and two dogs. I find great joy in the outdoors especially camping, fly fishing, and skiing.

Elizabeth Johnson

Development Database Manager

bCRE-Pro Blackbaud University
A.S. Northwestern CT Community College
B.S. Southern Vermont College

Phone: 802-387-6217
Email: ejohnson@putneyschool.org
Departments: Alumni & Development

Elizabeth’s fundraising career started in 1995, working with The American Chestnut Foundation. Her behind-the-scenes role in Putney’s development office has kept her quite busy since she started in 2006. She can be described as a passionate employee, wife, mother of a middle schooler, sister, aunt, friend, tree hugger, and fiber artist. Elizabeth loves sprinkling kindness while standing firm for justice. She is professionally certified in the use of Blackbaud’s Raiser’s Edge, a frequent presenter and one of four organizers for the regional RE user group that services northern New England, and is active in the Blackbaud Community.

She is grateful to help out where she can by sharing and absorbing knowledge with this amazing team. She finds working for a school that is changing the world by educating authentic individuals with a strong commitment to the well-being of the larger community incredibly satisfying.

Melissa Johnson

Fiber Arts Teacher

Huseby Dorm Liaison

Phone: 802-387-7320
Email: mjohnson@putneyschool.org
Departments: Art Department, Faculty

Amy Johnston

Mental Health Counselor

B.A. Communication Studies and Psychology, University of Rhode Island
Master of Social Work, Widener University

Phone: 802-246-7005 (Counseling Office)
802-289-3837 (Nurse on Call)
Email: ajohnston@putneyschool.org
Departments: Health Services

I am excited be a mental health counselor as part of the health and wellness team at the Putney School. It brings me great joy to know that I’m part of a community that truly cares about our students and not only sees them for the unique individuals they are, but thrives on this diversity to unite and strengthen our community.  I love getting to know all of our students in some capacity, and supporting them in their multifaceted needs and journey here on campus.

I am a native Vermonter, although I’ve lived along the Northeast coast. My knowledge and experience in the mental health field stems from both community-based and educational settings, and I have worked across a broad spectrum of client demographics. I enjoy focusing the love and energy in my field into our students here at Putney!

Mike Keim

Math Department Chair and Math Teacher

B.A. Williams College
M.S. University of Washington, Seattle
Ph.D. University of Washington, Seattle

Phone: 802-387-6247
Email: mkeim@putneyschool.org
Departments: Department Heads, Faculty, Math Department

Putney Perspective: I teach math because the experience of watching someone use their brain to figure something out is one of the most beautiful things in the world, and I don’t mean beautiful in a metaphorical way, but in the most concrete sense. I teach at Putney because here I have the opportunity to teach math the best way I know how, rather than the way everyone does it.

Background: I grew up in Minnesota, came to New England for college, and started teaching high school math in Guinea. Then I came to Putney for round one: (1999-2001), followed by graduate school in quantitative ecology and then four years in the energy industry. I returned to Putney in 2012.

Interests and Passions: I love dogs, reading, being outside, and my family.

Gavy Kessler

Director of Theater and Director of Evening Arts

B.S. New York University
M.A. New York University
Ph.D. University of California, Irvine

Phone: 802-387-7332
Email: gkessler@putneyschool.org
Departments: Art Department, Faculty, Other Programs

I have worked as an actor, performance artist, playwright, director, and educator in New York City, Los Angeles, and Vermont. Before coming to Putney I taught at Temple University, Marlboro College, Neighborhood Schoolhouse and New England Youth Theater. I have been seen in local productions with Main Street Arts and the Wild Goose Players. I live in Dummerston with my partner and our adorable goats. I am excited to share my love of theater with the students here at Putney.

Kate Knopp

Dean of Faculty and English Teacher

B.A. Williams College
M.Ed. Teachers College, Columbia University
M.A. Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury

Phone: 802-387-7328
Email: kknopp@putneyschool.org
Departments: Administration, English Department, Faculty

I believe that experience is the best teacher. My classroom offers endless cycles of experience and reflection, practice and feedback. I am interested in how to cultivate both creativity and critical thinking as students find their authority as learners. Writing—the generating, exploring and constructing of ideas with language—is an essential tool for all types of progressive education. Agency is at the heart of happiness, so helping students authorize their own learning is joyful.

Gabriel Lee

History Teacher

Old Boys Dorm Faculty

Email: glee@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, History

May Lillie


Phone: 802-387-6221
Email: mlillie@putneyschool.org
Departments: Health Services

Registered Nurse
Pronouns: She/her/hers

I came into school nursing about 7 years ago after a decade of hospital nursing. I was unsure where this path was going to lead me, but I am pleased to say I have never been happier. I grew up in Stockholm, Sweden and Putney is the first workplace that parallels my love and philosophies around the natural world, a holistic lifestyle, and adventure, much like my upbringing.

When I’m not working with Putney students and their families, I am usually found outdoors on top of a mountain, near the ocean, or in my kitchen with my husband and three children. We live on our family farm in Rockingham, VT.

Naomi Lindenfeld

Ceramics Teacher

Bachelor of Applied Arts in Ceramics
Program in Artisanry, Boston University

Phone: 802-387-6244
Email: nlindenfeld@sover.net
Departments: Art Department, Faculty

Putney Perspective: I love the rush that comes from facilitating the discovery of young people’s creativity, sharing my passion for clay, giving back what I have learned and accomplished, continually learning from my students, and being in a growth-filled, stimulating, challenging environment among vibrant young people.

Background: What brought me to Putney was a phone call in March 1998 asking if I would be willing to fill in for the ceramics teacher who got ill and had to stop teaching. I had been a full-time potter in Brattleboro and the idea of teaching ceramics to teenagers at this infamous progressive high school intrigued me so I said yes.

Interests and Passions: In 1983, I co-founded the Brattleboro Clayworks, a potter’s collective in Brattleboro, Vt. Since then, I have been a professional potter offering a line of colored clay items. In 2004 I set up my own studio in my home in West Brattleboro where I currently do my clay work. I have also taught a number of colored clay workshops at craft centers around the northeast where I have had the opportunity to share my enthusiasm for the unusual and exciting technique involving working with colored clays.

Glenn Littledale

Science Teacher

Keep Dorm Liaison

B.A. Temple University
M.Ed. Temple University

Phone: 802-387-6253
Fax: 802-387-2305
Email: glittledale@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, Science Department

Putney Perspective: What surprises me about this place is its generosity of spirit. Putney has the courage to do things differently. Placing importance on a wide range of endeavors, students work with their hands as well as minds, often integrating the two. Most importantly, students here are encouraged to develop genuine agency.

Background: I graduated with the Putney class of ’76, and worked as the farm manager from 1986-1990. I got an undergraduate degree in physics with a math minor as an adult, followed by masters in teaching secondary school science and math. I have been teaching science here at Putney since 1998.

Interests and Passions: I’m a former dairy farmer, bicycle frame builder, art restorer and jewelry maker.

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The Long Way Home


Cordelia Lopez

English Teacher

White Cottage Dorm Faculty

Phone: 802-387-6260
Email: clopez@putneyschool.org
Departments: English Department, Faculty

Darry Madden

Director of Communication and Marketing

B.A. Smith College

Phone: 802-387-6258
Email: dmadden@putneyschool.org
Departments: Administration, Communications

Josh Maiocco

Desktop Support

Email: jmaiocco@putneyschool.org
Departments: Technology Department

Josh Martin

Building and Grounds Technician

Phone: 802-387-7366
Email: jmartin@putneyschool.org
Departments: Plant Staff

Josh Martin is an artist, award winning songwriter, musician and tradesman. He lives in Newfane, VT.

Andrew Meyer

Mental Health Counselor

B.A. Hispanic Studies, Colorado College
M.S. Ed. School and Mental Health Counseling, University of Pennsylvania

Phone: 802-246-7005
Email: ameyer@putneyschool.org
Departments: Health Services

I’m thrilled to be a part of the Putney health and wellness team as a mental health counselor. I was drawn by the school’s progressive values, and bring a wealth of experience from educational settings, including Friends Select School in Philadelphia and the Island School in the Bahamas. I’m originally from New Paltz, N.Y. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Hispanic studies from Colorado College and a master’s in school and mental health counseling from the University of Pennsylvania.


Dennis Miller

Executive Chef

Phone: 802-387-6230
Email: dmiller@putneyschool.org
Departments: Dining Services

Robin Muller

Art Department Chair and Visual Arts Teacher

Email: rmuller@putneyschool.org
Departments: Art Department, Department Heads, Faculty

Honor Norwood

Assistant Dean of Students - Director of Student Activities and Director of the Work Program

Phone: 802-387-6266
Email: hnorwood@putneyschool.org
Departments: Dean of Students Office

Frederic Noyes

Digital Filmmaking Teacher

Email: fnoyes@putneyschool.org
Departments: Art Department, Faculty

Frederic teaches digital filmmaking at The Putney School. He has taught at various private and public schools in NY and VT and worked in video production and television for over 30 years, teaching video skills to all age levels. Frederic worked on various films and productions as a line producer, audio recorder, and background actor. He enjoys a wide variety of music and hosts a weekly radio program. He loves participating in and discussing travel, history, pop culture and politics.

Danny O'Brien

Head of School

B.A. Middlebury College
M.A. University of Colorado Boulder

Phone: 802-387-6211
Email: dobrien@putneyschool.org
Departments: Administration, Head of School's Office

Pat O'Connor

History Teacher and History Department Chair

Noyes Dorm Liaison

B.A. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
M.A. University of Montana
Ph.D. University of Montana

Phone: 802-387-6226
Email: poconnor@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, History

Putney Perspective: I came to Putney because the school embodies my core values as a teacher: trust in students, an emphasis on exploration, and a commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration. My goal in all courses is to help students pursue the big questions that matter to them. Along the way, they will begin the humbling, lifelong process of confronting history’s biggest questions: what suffering has engendered our privileges? What has been lost that cannot be recovered? What can we learn from the past to lead just lives?

Background: Before I came to Putney, I taught courses on the history of capitalism, law and politics, and slavery and emancipation at the University of Montana. I have mostly focused on American history, but I am always pushing myself to learn about other areas and topics. I began my career teaching secondary English, and I am delighted to work with teenagers again.

Interests and Passions: When not teaching, you can find me riding my bike around town, baking bread, and listening to sad old country songs.

Maria Ogden


Phone: 802-387-6221
Email: mogden@putneyschool.org
Departments: Health Services

Rosi Olivan Pliego

Science Teacher

White Cottage Dorm Faculty

Phone: 802-387-6253
Email: rolivan@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, Science Department

Putney Perspective: Putney believes in community and, therefore, in every member of the community. What keeps me here is the idea of learning new things and the joy of implementing projects.

Background: I’m Mexican. I’m a chemical engineer from Instituto Tecnológico de Zacatepec in Mexico. I teach math and science at Putney. I’m also one of the New Boys dorm heads, and a member of the Sustainability Squad.

Interests and Passions: I love weaving, traveling, and exploring different cultures and foods. Improving waste management systems is one of my main interests. I’m a board member of the Rich Earth Institute, an organization that works with fertilizer from urine to create clean rivers and sustainable farms.

Cynthia Owensby


Email: cowensby@putneyschool.org
Departments: Dining Services

Kelsey Peknik

Plant Staff

Email: kpeknik@putneyschool.org
Departments: Plant Staff

Brian Quarrier

Athletic Director and Sculpture Teacher

B.S. Bates College

Phone: 802-387-6243
Email: bquarrier@putneyschool.org
Departments: Art Department, Athletic Department, Faculty

Jenna Rae

Music Co-Director

B.M. in Music Education, Northwestern University

Email: jrae@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, Music Department

Putney Perspective: I feel truly blessed to have landed at a progressive school that values a growth mindset, where students and teachers believe in the capacity to learn no matter the starting point. With a deep-rooted passion for both performing and educating, I am dedicated to guiding students on a musical exploration towards creativity and excellence. My mission goes beyond teaching notes; it extends to building confidence in each student and helping them discover and enjoy their unique voice. I love all aspects of the theater and am thrilled to have the opportunity to collaborate on the yearly musical at Putney as well!

Background: I’m a music teacher and opera singer who taught voice lessons at Putney for eight years before joining as the music co-director. Through my background in vocal training, as well as clarinet, I aim to instill a love for the performing arts while empowering students to discover their individual strengths.

Interests and Passions: My summers are filled with work in a professional opera company, TUNDI Productions, that runs the Wagner in Vermont Festival in Brattleboro, VT each August. I wear many hats for TUNDI including executive director, set builder, artistic director, costume designer and diva.

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Two New Co-Directors Aim to Broaden Putney’s Music Department

Dan Raffety

Director of College Counseling

Noyes Dorm Faculty

Phone: 802-387-6227
Email: draffety@putneyschool.org
Departments: College Counseling

My name is Dan Raffety and I am the new Director of College Counseling. I attended Northfield Mt. Hermon, earned a BA in History from Connecticut College, and then completed an MA in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College in Santa Fe. I have eleven years experience in college counseling from two different schools: Olney Friends School, a Quaker boarding school in rural Ohio with a similar farm-work program as Putney, and Elgin Academy, a private day school in the Chicago suburbs. I have counseled hundreds of students from various backgrounds and parts of the world; they’ve matriculated to numerous colleges across the country and several international universities. I believe that each student should prioritize finding a college that will help them continue to develop their character, abilities, and passions; provide an environment that is as safe as possible for them; and encourage them to embrace new experiences and challenges. I am excited to work with Putney students and help them through this important odyssey!

Vermont will be the 8th state that I have resided in (CT, RI, MA, NM, OH, IL) and I am delighted to be back in New England.  I started my career as an educator at Link Community in School in Newark, NJ teaching U.S. History to 8th graders.  This will be the first time in 17 years that I am not teaching History, so I welcome any conversations about The Persian Empire, The Celts, Pancho Villa, Robert Smalls, Jeanette Rankin, Thaddeus Stevens, the 1830s, or any historical topics/eras.  Outside of College and History, I enjoy working out, reading, comic books, horror movies, numerous musical genres (Metal, Ska, Hip Hop, Punk, Outlaw Country, etc.), and seafood.

Lindsay Richard

School Store Manager

B.F.A. Massachusetts College of Art & Design

Phone: 802-387-6264
Email: lrichard@putneyschool.org
Departments: Business Office

I’ve always been a very curious person and tend to have my hands in several niche interests at the same time.


I lived in Boston during my college years where I studied fine art film photography at MassArt and fell in love with narrative in the form of poetic imagery.  Photography gave me access to a language I didn’t otherwise have, and allowed me to slow down and capture time in a way that was meaningful for me. I was fortunate to get a job as a furniture restorer during my time as a student, where I learned the traditional craft of cane seat weaving, wicker repair, shaker tape weaving, reed weaving, and wood staining. It was my task to breathe new life into many amazing Danish modern pieces, personal heirloom antiques, and objects from private collections.


We are lucky to have several resources for the photographic arts in the Southern Vermont region, a benefit that had a lot to do with my decision to remain around Brattleboro following college. I have been a volunteer teacher and advocate for the Brattleboro non-profit In-Sight Photography Project since 2015. In-Sight is an after school program that teaches photography to students ages 11-18 and whose mission and funding allows for students to participate regardless of their ability to pay. I love getting to watch young people discover the same magic that I did in the black & white darkroom and I am inspired by efforts made to break down privilege in the arts.


I had an early career in the product development and design field, working for a couple of different global contract companies. I created repeat textile design for a wallcoverings company catering primarily to the hospitality and retail industries and later worked in product development designing woven baskets and other storage items for big box chains such as Target corporation, TJMaxx companies, and others. For the last several years I have been busy fulfilling my dream to become a farmer, working for a local organic vegetable operation as well as two independent cut flower farmers. Currently, I am in the process of establishing my own farm-to-florist business, Lucia Rising Flowers. I offer Flower CSA shares, and operate a self-serve farm stand in East Dummerston/Putney that sells seasonal flower bouquets & arrangements daily.


It really is perfect timing that I have landed at The Putney School. I appreciate the values that Putney traditionally instills in their students and feel that my interests align very well with what is offered here. In another life, I might have been a student. Personal agency is something we don’t realize is taught to us both subliminally and overtly until after our belief system is already established.  What I find really exciting about Putney is that this inherent sense of access and right to decide one’s opinion for oneself are not only encouraged but are built into the curriculum structure. I’m excited to be a part of the community here and to assist the students and faculty in the ways that I can be most useful.

Eli Robiner

Math Teacher

New Boys Dorm Faculty

B.A. Carleton College
M.S.Ed. St. John's University

Email: erobiner@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, Math Department

I’m a mathematics teacher, advisor, and New Boys dorm faculty member. Before Putney, I taught in public and independent schools in New York City. I originally hail from Minneapolis, where I grew up biking in summers and alpine skiing in winters. After graduating from Carleton College with a degree in Sociology & Anthropology and dabbling in the non-profit world, I eventually found my way to education and back to my first academic love- math! After working as a tutor and paraprofessional, I enrolled in the NYC Teaching Collaborative teacher training program in conjunction with St. John’s University. I cherish the experience of teaching and living every day in Putney’s progressive, student-centered, and warm community.

Luis Rosa

Director of Counseling and Wellness

B.A. in Religious Studies, Youngstown State University
M.ED in Counseling Education, University of Akron

Phone: 802-387-7356
Email: lrosa@putneyschool.org
Departments: Health Services

The mission of The Putney School connects strongly to my personal view of education. I view learning as both external and internal. I believe students at The Putney School are not only challenged academically, but they are also encouraged to learn about themselves. In this way I believe The Putney School is holistic in its model of student learning and personal development.

I came to The Putney School with well over two decades of work in higher education. At differing colleges and universities I have worked in administration and mental health. Throughout my career I have focused on both mental health and diversity, equity and inclusion. As a first generation person of Cape Verdean ethnicity, I believe mental health and racial justice are fundamentally intertwined.

I am excited to be a member of The Putney School family for many years to come.

Gil Rosenberg

Math Teacher

Noyes Dorm Liaison

B.A. Mathematics, Swarthmore College
M.S. Mathematics, Cornell University
M.Div., Harvard Divinity School
Ph.D., Religious and Theological Studies, University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology

Phone: (802) 579-8107
Email: grosenberg@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, Math Department

Putney Perspective: What I love about teaching here is that I am able, and encouraged, to teach the way I’ve always wanted to: strong connections with students, lots of student choices, a focus on learning over grades, and a deep understanding over superficial learning. I love getting to know my students in and out of the classroom. I love challenging my students, and seeing them rise to the challenge. I love the ways students take ownership and leadership. Teaching here is so much fun!

Background: I grew up in Ohio and spent my college and initial post-graduate years slowly moving eastward.  I jumped from math to religious and theological studies (culminating in a my dissertation, a queer interpretation of the biblical Abraham and Sarah narratives), and then back to math.  Just before coming to Putney in 2022, I taught across town at Landmark College, where I acquired a deeper understanding and appreciation for neurodiversity.  I’m also a proud Putney parent.

Interests and Passions: Other things I think are fun: dancing (Morris, contra, tango, waltz, swing), learning circus skills, swimming (especially long open water swims), skiing, hiking, feeling useful, and playing strategy games with friends.

David Ross

Music Co-Director

B.M. & B.A. Keene State College
M.M. Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University
A.D. Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University

Email: dross@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, Music Department

Putney Perspective: It has been really wonderful to work closely with some really gifted, self-motivated, and passionate young people. The students here keep me energized for music. Putney has a musical heart and you can see that in the Sing program and in the flurry of daily life in the music building. I am continually surprised by the down to earth traditions of Putney. From the farm to the costumed parade with a giant puppet to the hand-drawn diplomas… I anticipate learning many more quirks in the years to come!

Background: I grew up in New England and after spending some time away in Baltimore and Los Angeles, I was happy to return. I have been involved in music my entire life and have worked in classical and jazz, in concert and recording, performing as well as mixing and engineering, and the whole time I have been actively teaching and in education. I am so lucky to work in music that it is difficult to separate work from play.

Interests and Passions: In my free time, I have an interest in literature and philosophy which I pursue as a hobby and have also been known to swing a ping-pong paddle from time to time.

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Two New Co-Directors Aim to Broaden Putney’s Music Department

Katie Ross Morrison

Tutor, Center for Teaching and Learning

B.A. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
M.S. Antioch University New England

Phone: 802-387-6223
Email: kross@putneyschool.org
Departments: Center for Teaching & Learning

Michael Sardinas

Data Systems Manager

B.A. Marlboro College
M.S. Marlboro Graduate Center

Phone: 802-387-7306
Email: msardinas@putneyschool.org
Departments: Technology Department

Helen Schmidt

Printmaking and Painting Teacher

B.A. Sarah Lawrence College
M.F.A. Vermont College of Fine Arts

Email: hschmidt@putneyschool.org
Departments: Art Department, Faculty

Putney Perspective: I’m an artist-teacher whose work currently combines intaglio, artisan papers, and oil paint to create richly textured prints. I’m interested in the possibility art has to effect personal and social transformation, and believe that learning to access one’s creative potential and then express it helps to bring about change in oneself and in the world.

Background: I received my B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College, where I concentrated in Fine Art, Sociology, and Religion. I studied at The Lacoste School for the Arts in Lacoste, France, and in Boston at The Museum School. I began my career as a social worker in New York’s South Bronx as an advocate for unhoused women and children. Upon moving to Vermont, I got an M.F.A. in sculpture at Vermont College of Art and continued to explore my interest in art and social justice for the next 25 years. I worked as a legal advocate for women at the Women’s Freedom Center. I taught at The River Gallery School for 24 years, and in addition to teaching adult studio classes, I served as the director of their Children and Teens Program. I’ve taught printmaking at the Community College of Vermont and currently teach printmaking and painting at The Putney School.

Interests and Passions: I co-created an expressive art class for at-risk teenage girls called Expresso, and taught art classes to people experiencing homelessness and incarceration through a program called Tapestry at the Brattleboro Retreat. I also facilitated paste-up installations on buildings comprised of student prints as part of an Art for Social Change program and facilitated the teaching of free classes at Art in the Neighborhood in Brattleboro. My sculptures and prints have been exhibited throughout the Northeast, and I have artwork in private collections in the United States and Europe.

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Art Show: Findings & Gloamings

Jac Shaw

Student Case Manager

Dorm Parent in Keep

BA in Business, Organizational Leadership

Phone: 802-387-7392
Email: jshaw@putneyschool.org
Departments: Health Services

Lauren Shockley

Director of Health Services

Family Nurse Practitioner, Chamberlain University
M.S.N. Healthcare Policy, Chamberlain University
B.S.N. Florida International University

Phone: 802-387-6254
Email: lshockley@putneyschool.org
Departments: Health Services

Donnie Smith

Director of Admission & Financial Aid

B.A Earlham College
M.A. Columbia University, Teachers College, Klingenstein Center

Email: dsmith@putneyschool.org
Departments: Admission Office

Guiding families to find their ideal educational environments has always been my calling. Putney is a place that is doing more than educating students academically, we are giving each student skills to really navigate life. That is the reason I have chosen to make this place my home. As a proud native New Yorker and boarding school alum, my journey to Putney comes after five wonderful years at Redwood Day School in Oakland, CA. Learning is something that is life long for me. I keep myself in books, deep conversations and believe that we can learn from each other. I strongly believe that everything we do is a learning opportunity and I love working in education because students are always pushing me to stretch out of my comfort zone and learn more. I firmly believe in student-centered educational experiences, and Putney exemplifies excellence in this regard. Also, I have to argue that you would never find a more warm and inviting community like Putney.

Cari-Lee Spaulding


Email: cspaulding@putneyschool.org
Departments: Health Services

Cara Stickney

Horse Program Manager

B.S. University of Vermont

Phone: 802-387-2150
Email: cstickney@putneyschool.org
Departments: Farm Staff

I’m a lover of children and animals. I live for my family and the joy I get from sharing with students the physical and emotional bond that can exist between humans and horses, not to mention the amazing feel of connecting with a horse by riding it. 


Pete Stickney

History Teacher

B.A. Union Institute and University

Phone: 802-387-4730
Email: pstickney@putneyschool.org
Departments: Athletic Department, Farm Staff

I was raised on a family farm in Saxtons River, and came to teaching mid-career. I enjoy the contrasts between the finite world of agriculture and the infinite opportunities in the classroom.

At Putney, I have the opportunity to work in agriculture within a vibrant learning community. My dreams have come true.

Skyla Tennyson

Payroll & Benefits Manager

Phone: 802-387-6225
Email: stennyson@putneyschool.org
Departments: Business Office

Jerry Tevolini

Lunch/ Dinner Chef

Phone: 802-387-6230
Email: jtevolini@putneyschool.org
Departments: Dining Services

The captivating green mountains and the people brought me here, along with the farm to table attitude and the organic thought process brings a real community feeling.

I was born in a small town in southern Italy came to America in 1965, living in southern Connecticut until the mid-80s and working in restaurants, colleges, and institutions. I moved to Vermont in 1985 and have been at The Putney School since 2005.

Sarah Tsalbins

History and Humanities Teacher

Keep Dorm Faculty

B.A. Reed College
M.A. Mills College

Phone: 802-387-6226
Email: stsalbins@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, History

Abby Verney-Fink

Science and Humans in the Natural World Teacher

Gray House Dorm Faculty
Faculty Trustee

Phone: 802-387-6237
Email: averney-fink@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, Science Department

Heather Waters

Plant Staff

Phone: 802-387-6231
Email: hjohnson@putneyschool.org
Departments: Plant Staff

I’m one of the housekeepers here at Putney. I am a mom of three kids who enjoys watching movies, 80s rock, and taking photos, sewing, reading, watch movies, and spend time with my family and friends.

Lynne Weinstein

Director of The Michael S. Currier Gallery and Visual Arts Faculty

B.A. Brown University

Phone: 802-387-6249
Email: lweinstein@putneyschool.org
Departments: Art Department, Faculty

Ann-Marie White

Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Belonging

Math and Science Teacher
Keep Dorm Liaison

B.A. Hunter College
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Phone: 802-710-7006
Email: awhite@putneyschool.org
Departments: Administration, Faculty, Science Department

Sarah Wiles


Old Boys Dorm Faculty

B.A. Union Institute and University
M.L.I.S. Simmons College

Phone: 802-387-6229
Email: swiles@putneyschool.org
Departments: Library Department

Our family was drawn to Putney 14 years ago just before my second daughter was born. We loved the idea of living in the hills of Vermont in an intentional, international community that focused on sustainability, the arts, and community.

I was born and raised in Vermont and while I’ve lived away at various times of my life, I have always returned. I am an avid reader and knitter. I have two children who are both students at Putney.

Keith Wilson

Plant Staff

Email: kwilson@putneyschool.org
Departments: Plant Staff

Katy Wolfe

Assistant to the Head of School

B.A. William Smith College
M.S. Antioch University New England

Phone: 802-387-6211
Email: kwolfe@putneyschool.org
Departments: Head of School's Office

Paolo Woodard

Admission Counselor

Phone: 802-387-6278
Email: pwoodard@putneyschool.org
Departments: Admission Office

I just joined the Putney community this year, so I can tell you why I love Putney enough to move across the country to work here, but it is a learning journey for me just like it is for all our prospective families.

I’ve been working in admissions for five years – I love building and developing relationships with families and helping them navigate through what can be an overwhelming journey.

Putney is a unique and special place that finds the right people at the right time. I’m so looking forward to seeing these young, talented minds embrace rigorous academics and evolve within their passions. Students here are confident and lead with honesty and curiosity. Each individual at Putney learns and creates while feeling seen, heard, and appreciated. I was drawn to Putney by the chance to collaborate with dynamic professionals, contribute my experiences and perspectives, and share new adventures.

Kalya Yannatos

Director of Development

Phone: (802) 387-6261
Email: kyannatos@putneyschool.org
Departments: Administration, Alumni & Development

It is an honor to be serving Putney, a school I so deeply believe in, in this role, at this time. A previous Putney chapter included teaching dance, heading the arts department, and directing the evening arts program. Previous chapters have also included being director of the arts at another independent school, teaching dance in a multitude of settings (from colleges to community centers), as well choreographing and performing nationally and internationally. After years of inner-city teaching (in NYC and LA), it is a privilege to be on Putney’s bucolic hill working to ensure access for all who wish to call it home. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with and learn from all within the Putney community, to collaboratively lift up and support Putney into the future. Thank you.

Grant Yost

Math Teacher

Old Girls Dorm Faculty

BS in Applied Mathematics with a focus in STEM Education

Email: gyost@putneyschool.org
Departments: Faculty, Math Department

I came to Putney from the mountains of Western North Carolina, where I taught all sorts of Maths at a small non-profit private school that focused on Integral Education. I love exploring the challenges of Mathematics from the perspective of logic, puzzle solving, and having fun with the mental exercise that comes with it. I have a deep love for board games, puzzles of all sorts, D&D, and have so much fun exploring challenges together like they are games. My recent background had me working with students as their mathematics teacher, but also as a mentor, coach, and outdoor guide. I find so much joy in watching students develop and grow in relationship to their mental, social, emotional, aesthetic, and physical strands of being.

When I’m not teaching Mathematics, you can find me playing music, dancing, climbing, running, playing volleyball, skiing, playing video games, hiking, backpacking, reading, or just relaxing with friends.

Michael Zuhorski

Photography Teacher

MFA Art Photography, Syracuse University
BFA Photography, College for Creative Studies

Email: mzuhorski@putneyschool.org
Departments: Art Department, Farm Staff

Putney Perspective: In teaching photography I get to see students discover and invent new ways of looking at their surroundings. As a teenager, photography helped me understand myself and my world, and so I aim to pass this on to my students.

Background: I graduated from the College for Creative Studies, in Detroit, with a BFA in Photography, and from Syracuse University with an MFA in Art Photography. I’ve taught photography at various colleges around upstate New York, have managed several digital photography labs and darkrooms, and have published and shown my work internationally. In my photographic practice I explore topics such as the tangled relation of self and place, color and visual perception, and how sustained attention can change the shape the world takes.

Dawn Zweig

Science Teacher and Science Department Chair

Keep Dorm Liason

Phone: 802-387-6237
Email: dzweig@putneyschool.org
Departments: Department Heads, Faculty, Science Department

I love working with teenagers (especially Putney students) because they give me hope we are truly capable of “achieving a society worthy of the name.” My students push me to be a better teacher, but also a better person. One of the most important aspects of my pedagogy is that if you give students the proper resources, just a little guidance and a real sense of agency, then they are capable of way more than most adults would ever assume.

Nathan Zweig

English Department Chair, Volleyball Coach

Keep Dorm Liason

Phone: 802-387-6260
Email: nzweig@putneyschool.org
Departments: Department Heads, English Department, Faculty

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