At Putney you will practice leadership and learn through experience. You will help to run work crews, lead dorms and work on committees. You will find yourself in lengthy debates about how to run a community that seeks to balance individual freedoms with a responsibility to the group. Students apply for and are elected to over 50 leadership positions all of which lead vital work at the school. From tending to animals and gardens to cooking food to making decisions about policy on campus, students are trusted to lead their school and learn about leadership in the process.
Student leadership at Putney extends beyond the formal positions that students fill, manifesting in class, community gatherings and special school initiatives. Here is a list of the student leadership positions:
Student Heads of School set the tone for the school community; upholding the “Fundamental Principles” and the core expectations described in the Student Handbook (integrity, respect, participation and stewardship). They run the student council and lead assemblies.
Standards Committee is a committee comprised of students, faculty and deans, which reviews disciplinary cases.
Student Trustees are full voting members of the Board. They bring their understanding and expertise as members of the student body to bear on discussions ranging from building plans to investment policy.