I have to admit, as much as I was grateful and excited to have the opportunity to live in a cabin, I was nervous to learn I would be living in the cabin next to Gray House, the furthest dorm from the center of campus (about a 10 minute walk). I mean, I know it doesn’t sound that tough but it’s just ridiculously inconvenient compared to how much closer all the other dorms are. After a few weeks, however, I have fallen completely in love with the place, with the long walk, and with everything else that it brings.
The first morning after my first night sleeping the cabin, we (meaning me and my cabin mate Ani) woke up to this absolutely breathtaking view of blue mountains in the distance, wrapped in big white fluffs of clouds, completely stationary. We were mesmerized initially by the stunning view out of our bay window, and then by the sense of isolation and contemplation it brings. Suddenly, walking next to where the cows graze, through the morning mist, I wasn’t bothered by the distance anymore. As the weather has cooled down as suddenly as it always does in Vermont, I have gotten really excited about having a fire in our wood stove. After many aggravating, failed attempts at starting a fire that lovely Ani has patiently guided me through (she’s more of a camper than I have ever been), I have started to get a hang of it.
Autumn brings delicious harvests and beautiful afternoons of gardening. Stuffing my pockets with beets, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, and brussel sprouts, I carried them back to cabin. As soon as I got better at making my own fire, I got addicted. I found myself walking back to my cabin at around 8 every night, lighting a fire in the stove, and on it I roast the beautiful vegetables I got from the school’s gardens with olive oil and salt. They are simple, yet most delectable. On Sundays, we make avocado toasts and caprese salads. On some weekday nights, we make roasted brussel sprouts with balsamic vinegar reduction.
I still dread the winter, but the cabin life in the Fall has been more than perfect so far.