The Evening Arts Program extends the artistic and creative possibilities by providing a wide range of arts-based classes after dinner. It is an opportunity for students to try something entirely new or to delve more deeply into an art form for which they have already developed a passion. While active participation is required, these classes are ungraded. The classes meet from 7:30-9 PM either once or twice per week, and students are required to participate at least two evenings per week. The Evening Arts program operates in two sessions: Fall and Winter/Spring. Unless otherwise noted, classes run during both sessions.
Dance Ensemble
Dance Ensemble offers experienced and dedicated dancers the opportunity to grow deeper as dancers and artists while being a part of a performing ensemble. We will work together on Wednesday afternoons to create and rehearse new or revived works for our Spring Gala Dance performance and potentially perform at other local venues. The season's repertoire will include at least one featured Guest Choreographer who will create a work on Dance Ensemble dancers, as well as opportunities for student choreography. Commitment, diligence, and tenacity are needed, as we only meet for three hours per week and ask everyone to bring their best energy to the group. Dancers need permission from the Director of Dance, and must be in at least one other technique class for their afternoons. Full year commitment is preferred.
Latin Cuisine
In this cooking class, you will explore and learn Latin American dishes and beverages. We will listen to Spanish-language music while cooking and learn the cultural backgrounds of delicious food. You will learn to prepare full meals from start to finish, adding fun and finesse along the way! Featured regions include South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Participants will expand their knowledge of nutrition and learn simple cooking techniques for healthy living based on delicious Latin American food traditions. Spanish fluency is not required for this class but there will be opportunities to practice and learn!
Latin Dance
Students will learn some basic footwork, dance positions, and connections between partners. This is an evening activity that explores more than just the stereotypical approach of Latin Dance. Conversations about identity, interculturality, and intersectionality, alongside some decolonizing of gendered roles in dancing, are also part of an activity that will have lots of music, fun, and a safe space where all identities are welcomed and affirmed.
The aim of this activity is to cultivate mindfulness, which is defined as present-moment awareness. We will learn how to pay attention, in the present moment, to whatever arises, in a non-judgmental way. The awareness that comes out of paying attention in this way allows us to center ourselves and to develop clarity of mind and stability. We will cultivate mindfulness through practices such as gentle stretching, eating, sitting and walking meditation. We will also learn ways in which we can bring mindfulness into our daily lives. We will reflect on these practices through discussion.
Public Speaking
Speaking clearly to an audience is a skill and an art, not a random talent. We (there will be various instructors) will help you to understand your purpose, audience, and voice as you design an announcement or a speech. You will become familiar with your voice as a powerful instrument and your body language as a tool that helps you communicate. If you want to practice speaking and learn more about how to use your voice to make a clear announcement in Assembly, make an idea clear in class, or make a speech that persuades your audience to vote for you or to start caring about recycling, sign up for this evening art.
Social Dance
Social dance is about dancing with a partner with improvised choreography, with the aim of having fun on the social dance floor (e.g. parties, weddings, concerts, and organized social dances). We will focus on lead and follow skills and musicality, using fun activities and lots of partner switching. Specific dance types and steps will vary based on student interest, and might include fusion, waltz, swing, mazurka, contra, or schottische. We'll start with cross-step waltz, an easy and flexible dance form that can be adapted to a wide variety of music. If possible, we'll have opportunities to get off campus and try our skills with others in the local community. Appropriate for all levels.
Join us as we tell the story of a “complicated Russian novel” where “everyone’s got nine different names.” This sung-through musical features a variety of types of music and dance. Rehearsals are both intense and playful and ask everyone to bring their best energy to the group. Featured roles will rehearse Tuesdays and Thursdays for 2 credits. Ensemble will rehearse Tuesdays only for 1 credit. There will be additional rehearsals on Saturday afternoons as needed. Working on The Great Comet of 1812 will also be your project for spring Project Week.