The Evening Arts Program extends the artistic and creative possibilities by providing a wide range of arts-based classes after dinner. It is an opportunity for students to try something entirely new or to delve more deeply into an art form for which they have already developed a passion. While active participation is required, these classes are ungraded. The classes meet from 7:30-9 PM either once or twice per week, and students are required to participate at least two evenings per week. The Evening Arts program operates in two sessions: Fall and Winter/Spring. Unless otherwise noted, classes run during both sessions.
Not Currently Offered
If you have ever wanted to create your own short animation, this workshop will give you the tools and experience you need. A willingness to let your creative mind run free is required, along with a bit of patience. Participants will create two short projects using a variety of techniques, including drawn animation, stop-motion, and computer animation. Students will also watch short animated films each week, and create soundtracks for their films.
Art of Communication
Communicating with others is part science (linguistics, sociocultural language patterns) and art (timing, perspective, context, style) and there are so many different ways to engage. We will build this space collaboratively and use art, music, movement and journaling to play our way into learning a variety of strategies to stay in healthy communication with others over time, even through difficult conversations. During this time, you will gain more awareness of who you are, how you listen to yourself and others, what wisdom your body is giving you as you interact with others, and how to handle complex conversations, all in nonjudgmental, community-oriented space.
In the Evening Arts blacksmithing class the traditional hammer-and-anvil method of shaping hot metal is taught, using tools and techniques whose origins go back a thousand years or more. The objects we make range from the functional to the artistic, the commonplace to the whimsical. There's an emphasis on craftsmanship but also on imagination. Class size is limited to six students per session, as this ensures a high level of student-teacher interaction.
Book Making
Artist books and beyond! This class will fold in book binding basics with found object collage and upcycling. Participants will be encouraged to create blank journals, mixed media narratives, and/or zines.
In this activity, which is open to all levels, students are encouraged to explore a variety of methods that are possible for the means of expression with clay. Starting with basic hand-building and wheel-throwing techniques, students have the opportunity to move on to increasingly complex projects of their choosing. Along with the different construction methods, students are introduced to a range of surface decoration possibilities such as texturing, carving, painting and other techniques with colored slips, underglazes and glaze applications. Students’ work is high-fired in a gas or electric kiln. Raku firings will happen at the end of the spring term.
Creative Writing
Explore self-expression through an informal writers' workshop. We will dabble in a variety of genres, including fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Prompts and exercises will be offered as a way to get started, or you may work on your own project. Participants should be prepared to share their writing from time to time with the group. A small group of students will help make the fall edition of the Literary Magazine a reality. Join a team of writers, artists, photographers, and editors who will design our magazine and publish a variety of creative talents from our community. You will help recruit, promote, select, lay out and produce our stellar and well-loved publication.
Digital Filmmaking
Are you recording? This course will dive into all things digital video-making: from concept of an idea through each stage of production to a finished product. We will explore the technical skills needed to develop, support or fine-tune your own personal filmmaking styles and process. The focus will be hands-on and experimental, covering camera and lighting techniques to editing choices and everything in between. Content focus will be student driven, but could be mini-documentaries, short narrative films, or infomercials for an imaginary invention.
Photography: Digital
After achieving an understanding of exposure and camera operation, this class will focus on both shooting and post-production skills. Prompts will be provided for focusing our exploration and help provide context for the myriad of possible transformations digital technology offers photographers. Digital SLR cameras and access to Adobe Creative Cloud are available for student use.
Embroidery & Cross-Stitch
Picture this: A cozy craft night with just the right balance of stitching and learning and community. Here, students will be introduced to a variety of embroidery and cross-stitch techniques, then encouraged to play with and expand upon the methods that they find most intriguing. Embroidery isn’t all about pretty flowers—stitching can be a relaxing pastime, a platform for activism, an outlet for creative expression, or just delightfully odd fun! Complete beginners and experienced stitchers encouraged.
Engineering & Technology
Have an idea for a product you want to design? Ever wanted to try to build a robot to clean your dorm room? Ever wondered how to make a video game? Come rummage through Glenn’s stuff with me and let’s make it! This course will revolve around skill building as we scaffold toward open shop time for individual or team projects. No experience needed. Open to all ability levels.
Explorations in Illustration
From fashion and architecture to children’s books and tattoos, illustration allows us to tell stories, capture the details of life around us, and visually represent information, blending our creativity and technical skills to share our ideas with an audience. In this course, we will explore various illustration techniques that enhance text and communicate our stories. We will begin by examining different types of illustration, including narrative, scientific, travel journal, and infographic illustration. To conclude the course, students will select a more in-depth project to work on using the illustration genre and medium of their choice.
Figure Drawing
Devoted exclusively to drawing the human form directly from observation. Students will observe and express the structure, gesture, anatomy and form of the live model in a variety of drawing and printmaking media. We will look at precedents in art history and add substantially to college and art school portfolios.
Foreign Film Review
Welcome to the world of international cinema. As a group we will watch a selection of films in many languages. We will then apply media studies skills to discuss, analyze and review the films we watch.
Found Object Sculpture
Think outside the box, your found object can be from nature, something sentimental, or an old piece of metal you found in the woods. During this class you will be exploring welding, cold bending rod, fabrication, movable components grinding and sheet metal forming. You will be designing and creating a one of a kind found object sculpture.
Woodworking: Furniture Making
In this activity, participants will get hands-on experience measuring, cutting, and assembling different types of wood and will learn several joinery methods while designing and building simple furniture projects. Students will focus on woodworking techniques, such as planing, shaping, and cutting, along with shop safety. Students will then apply these skills while working on small projects, such as a stool, table, or bench. Along with a foundational understanding of woodworking, this activity will place an emphasis on the planning and design process involved in furniture making.
Students will learn how to work with their hands through mixed mediums to create functional yet beautiful products. The class will decide on projects that they are interested in learning how to make. Working with many mediums allows you to understand how different skills transfer to one another and to build confidence in your crafting ability. Some examples of projects include basketry, broom making, carving, journal making, spoon carving, shrink pots, building inkle looms and using them to weave belts, knife and sheath making, leather sewing, etc.
The emphasis in this activity is on making silver jewelry, but students may make other objects as well. We will also work with other metals such as brass, copper, and materials that can be combined. Students will acquire skills in basic hammering, sawing, and forging as well as setting stones in bezels, and finishing techniques.
Jewelry Arts/Light Metal Working
Working in copper, students will familiarize themselves with techniques using hand tools appropriate for texturing and giving sheet metal form. They will also have the choice to work on jewelry, small-scale sculptural work and possibly both. In addition, students will have the opportunity to use die-cutters as a way to cut shapes out of textured metal.
Students will increase their competency while they enjoy a congenial evening. All levels welcome, though an emphasis is placed on beginner and intermediate levels.
Letterpress Word Play
This class will offer students a chance to develop their own stories and learn traditional printing techniques to give them a distinctive and unique form on paper. It will begin with word-play exercises involving imaginative and thoughtful spoken and written responses. We will then create narrative stories together while working toward a finished, collaborative hand-printed booklet consisting of relief printmaking methods using wooden or metal letters and linoleum cuts, centered on the written stories we create. Students will book-bind a small edition, which we will share.
Literary Magazine
Help make the fall edition of the Literary Magazine a reality. Join a team of writers, artists, photographers, and editors who will design our magazine and publish a variety of creative talents from our community. You will help recruit, promote, select, lay out and produce our stellar and well-loved bi-yearly publication
Join us for an exciting evening at Putney's Makerspace! Get ready to team up in a workspace where you can learn, share ideas, invent, and create awesome stuff. We'll dive into building projects using tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters, vinyl cutters, and other technologies and gadgets. You'll start with three fun projects, from making cardboard models to tackling real community problems. Once you get the hang of it, you'll choose your favorite project and take it to the next level. This is your chance to unleash your creativity and see what amazing things you can build, inspiring and motivating you to participate.
Metal Sculpture
If you have the urge to express your creative self by cutting, bending, denting, grinding, welding and polishing metal, then you may have a future as a metal sculptor. Take this activity to confirm the suspicion and you won’t be disappointed.
Paint & Draw
This class is a mixed-media experimental "art club" night. We will use a range of art materials associated with 2D visual language: watercolors, gouache, acrylic paint, inks, and a variety of painting surfaces like different papers and boards. Paintings, works on paper, drawings, collage...the possibilities invite you to hone your skills or experiment with new materials. Or both! Projects could include zines, mail art, acrylic paintings, and collaborative work. Your interests will drive the work you produce.
Painting: Watercolors
This class provides an open studio arena for exploring self-expression through watercolor painting. Students will explore their own interests while building on their technical skill set in color mixing, color relationships, layering, washes, wet/dry paint handling and brush work. No matter their previous experience, all students will have the space to refine their understanding of watercolor paint and how it can be manipulated. Special topics may include abstraction, working from observation, mining the imagination for invented imagery, or other areas depending on the unique interests of the class.
Photography: Black & White
Explore the world of film photography. Students in Evening Photography learn to use a 35mm camera, process film and print in the school’s darkroom. We also explore experimental techniques and alternative cameras. For those with a background in traditional photography, this activity is an opportunity to investigate the medium further. Having a 35mm camera is helpful, but the school has cameras to loan if needed.
Explore a variety of printmaking techniques including relief, etching, solarplate, monotype, and more. Students may choose to delve deeply into one technique and create an edition of prints, or try their hand at several different ones. The use of multimedia is also encouraged to create richly textured images: layering prints, specialty papers and paint. All levels of experience are welcome.
In this class students learn how to make "pysanky", also known as Ukranian Eggs. Using a special stylist, artists melt beeswax onto chicken, quail and goose eggs and "write" designs. The eggs are dipped in several different, strong, dyes, each color covering the last. The beeswax resists the dye, which creates the design. At the end, the artist melts the beeswax off to reveal the completed egg. This is a great class for students who enjoy doodling and drawing. Some patience and humor is required to get started, but people with any level of motor skills can do pysanky.
This activity will cover a variety of basic sewing skills. Students can choose to focus on quilting techniques or learn to sew clothing from commercial and original patterns. Instruction in embroidery, alterations and embellishments will also be offered. All levels of experience are welcome.
Stained Glass
Glass unleaded! We will be exploring stained glass using lead free solders and copper foil. You will learn to cut glass, break and grind it, wrap with foil and solder together to complete a beautiful work of art. After some experience with this process 3D formats are also an option to create sculptural mobiles and small boxes.
Upcycled Fashion
It’s estimated that 140 million tonnes of clothing go to landfill each year! Up-cycling fashion is the first step towards sustainable clothing design. This class will focus on the process of deconstructing a garment and revitalizing it into something fresh and exciting. Different techniques will be explored, such as fabric manipulation, basic pattern design, sewing, and draping techniques. No experience is necessary, but basic sewing skills would be helpful.
Students will learn the fundamentals of weaving by designing and creating individual projects on 4 and 8 harness floor looms. Projects may include scarves, clothing, blankets, rugs or tapestries. Other fiber related techniques can also be explored including spinning, dyeing and knitting. Beginners are welcome.
Wood Carving and Sculpture
Have you ever looked at clouds and seen faces? Have you ever looked at pieces of wood or woodgrain and seen shapes or forms. Do you like to use hand tools? In this activity students will transform pieces of wood into shapes and forms of the imagination using mostly simple hand tools. Learning to carve wood is fairly simple. It can be done almost anywhere. The possibilities and rewards are endless.
Instruction and suggestions are offered on design, construction techniques, and the uses of both hand and power tools. Everyone must complete at least one project by the end of the semester. Beginning and experienced woodworkers are welcome.
Work with a team of student journalists to document the school year in photos and words. Learn Adobe design software and apply your creativity through publishing a rich, complex book project.